We start changing since we are in the process of grown up.
Just keep changing
From young to old, from simple to complex, from one to many
There are too many of different changes in life.
People may think I have already settle down my life
Have stable relationship, stable work, regular life style
Everything just in the route that it suppose to be.
Nothing surprise happen, nothing abnormal matters happen too
I am still myself, my life is just that normal.
Maybe will get married after few years
Maybe will change working environment after few years
Maybe will stop working after few years
Maybe I will become rich someday! (I hope so)
My life is kind of without sparks
I don't to try, I don't have courage to try
At the age of 23 now, yet I have lost sense of adventure
Haha, so funny.
Stay young, but don't lose yourself.
I'm homed :)
So happy.
But in the other hand, felt sad too
Coz have to separate from my dear for 6 days
I'm gonna miss him so much :(
I wish to write some updates for my life
But yet I really have no idea about what to write
Coz my life is really that simple now
wake up -> breakfast -> working -> lunch -> off -> dinner -> working freelance -> sleep
Is that simple?
Yup, it is really that "simple"
So sometimes when I sit in front of my desktop and think
Why don't I find some excitement for my life? Instead of having some kind of "regular, normal, and yet boring life"?
So, I think of traveling, but I got no money :(
So, I think of changing job, but I am quite comfortable with my current job
So, I think of having regular exercise everyday, but I am lazy :(
So, I think of so more freelance job, but I have got no more time for it :(
I hope for a release, kind of relaxing myself
Walking in the breeze, breath for new oxygen outside from this area
But, we got no time.
What is so important in our mind?
Ya, is money.
When you have decided to chase for money, you will lose your freedom and desire to enjoy life without any worries.
For mum.
I found out something
Which is quite funny for me
That is, I like to talk with my mum recently
Just like I wanted to share my things and feeling with her
Maybe you will start wondering
I am not close with my mum in the past?
Yup, I admit, I really din't be so close with my mum before
Until now, I just reliaze, I wasted so many years for not having good chat with my mum
I came from a strict family
Or maybe it is just "half-strict" family
My mum and dad wish me to have a good education background
Yet, they din't force me to follow the path that they wished
They always said, you just study till wherever you can, we will support financially, even if we cannot support, then you just come out to work
I admit, I am not a piece of "good wood" that made to be a genius in school
I don't like to study actually
If you give me stress, I can't focus at all
But I can manage to get through my primary school with really flying colors which can make my mum so proud in front of her friends
And I am not an obedient daughter
Most of the time, I made my parents angry with me
Maybe at that time, I always think of myself and neglect the financial situation that they had
During the last year in primary school
There was a trip, for all the last year students to join
I wished I can go at that moment
I told my mum, I wanted to go, I can take out my savings and joined them for the trip
Even my teacher also made a phone call to my mum to ask for permission
But my mum said, you can't go, you are too small to have trip far from your own home
I was, obviously disappointed
I couldn't do anything else, so inside my heart, I started to hate mum
So since that day, I seldom talk to my mum
Sometimes I even throw my anger against she
But she also will scold me for being ignorant and emotional
This situation last for few years
Until the day I went for form 6
Study and live in the place that I am not familiar with
You know, form 6 is really kind of stress life
I still remembered the day before first exam
I really can't stand with the stress I had
I called back home
Told my mum about it
I cried, then she said, if really don't want to study, then just come back, we go up and take back all your belongings
I felt touch at that moment
But, I didn't do so
I told myself, for mum's sake, I will carry on, no matter how tough was it
Then, I ended my form 6 life
I thought we have become closer
But it is not just so simple as I thought
I fall in love with a guy which I can't love
At that time, I thought love will overcome everything
Includes all the problems having in two families
But the truth is not
After some months being with him, he asked me to tell my mum about his existent
Because he don't want me to deceive my mum when everytime I went out with him
He wished to be existed
One day, I had the courage to tell my mum
You know what, she told me, she knew about it long time ago
She got news from it
She said he is not coming from a proper family
And I have to bear in mind that I am soon going into university and he is just a student ended form 5 and working in sg
There was gap between me and him
She asked me to think wise and said she cannot accept
I cried, I don't think education background do make a big difference between me and him
So, I can't go out whenever I liked that time
Because my mum don't want me to meet up with him
We were getting far from each other
More problems happened between us
I still remembered, he told me, every problem can be solve as long as we have love and faith in each other
But he lied.
Due to one misunderstood
He left me, without any proper reason stated and break up through a sms
I am too naive to believe in him
and love that time.
Soon, I get into university
and met my dear
After about half year, I told my mum about dear
She has no more objection with it
She said, think wise, you can still have other better choice
I smiled, she finally believes that I have grown up.
I start to restructure
What my mum said before
Travel during primary school, was really not a benefit for me
because I was too young to recognize all the travel locations
and just waste the money because of wanted to join with friends
I felt lucky now, I didn't spend the money for the trip :)
She forced me not to meet with my ex-bf
because of the education background and etc
I hate her for being unreasonable
Now I understand, what she did for me is good
Now I only understand her intention
Therefore I met my dear now :)
I felt guilty, all the time
When I back home, mum ride motor and came to pick me
She has poor eyesight, hardly to see
When the time at home, I saw her white hairs
Is getting many, but hairs is getting lesser
She has grew old
So now, I will talk more with her
Share with her my things
Keep she updating with my status
Cherish the time for being with her
I miss you, mum
Wish you can be as healthy as before :)
In the middle of.. Working.
Blogging in the middle of working
haha, maybe I don't know the word of "die"
But, I am quite free here
So just posting something here :)
Tonight is going to have company dinner at KL Sentral
Is to pre-celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri
So we together buka puasa tonight
Hehe, waiting for the nice food :)
Ya, been so long time blogging at here
I have many times of experience that I wanted to post something that reflect my real feeling
But there are just thoughts
And can't be shared
I don't want to hurt peoples
I just hope they can understand my feeling
To those who read my blog.
I will have anger, I will have unhappy matters
I wish I can tell at here, but somehow the situation is not allowing me to do so
And sometime I really do feel frustrated
With everything, I wish I can tell, can discuss
But most of the time, I ended up with quarrels, "cold war"
It is hard to talk in a correct way :(
I am not a fan of Mayday, my dear is :)
But frankly, I like this song, since the time I first listened to this song.
Let me take care of you, this is the meaning :)
Enjoy ^^
But frankly, I like this song, since the time I first listened to this song.
Let me take care of you, this is the meaning :)
Enjoy ^^
坐在我身旁 你的心伤
不懂 我也不想
但你的眼泪 下在我心脏
回家的太阳 红着眼框
心疼 你的模样
影子的悲伤 也变得更长
昨天谁让你 受过伤
今天想要让你 都遗忘
是你 爱你让我变的更强
让我照顾你 我要让雨停出太阳
新的冷笑话 巧克力糖
开始 为你收藏
最近连睡觉 手机也在手上
幻想着未来 满头白发
公园 的长椅上
你也许会说 一声谢谢我
如果这一生 到尽头
换你的这句话 很足够
是你 爱你让我变的更强
我要让雨停 出太阳
是你 爱你让我变的更强
我要让雨停 出太阳
This is sweet, isn't?
Lucky I'm In Love With You.
I wanna share some of my thoughts here
I think it will be more on love :)
I always share about love, my view towards love
Sometime it may not always be right
Because different people will have different view against love
And then, some may not agree with me, some might
Some said my words towards love are so true
Actually I don't know what is really been spoken from me
I seldom go and search for quotes that make sense and reflect well on love
Because I believe different people will have different understanding
For me, Love is not just about saying, but how you are work on it
Don't be afraid to fail, you never know what you will get when you are fail, maybe it is a good thing waiting for you?
Try it, be brave :)
We are going for three years
Anything to say?
To my love?
Well, I want to say
It is very lucky to have you, William to be my boyfriend
I always think that maybe we are not made to be together
We will quarrel, we will have different opinions
But we did make it along these time
Thanks for your patient, your understanding, your care and your love
Remember our dreams and target :)
We can do it, we will fight for it together :)
And I will always love you.
Muarckz :)
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About Stella

- Stella Lim
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- I love what I have now and cherish them so much~
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