I was being advised
Yeah, she was right
I should think of the one I love
If I am ready, really want to spend the rest of life with him
I need to be true
I need to be honest
I need to believe in him
I need to give him my trust
I need to share my happy with him
I need to share my unhappy with him
I need to let him know about my anger
I need to tell him whatever he has the right to know about me
Like what he have said
I asked him to take care of my feeling
But I didn't ever care about his feeling before
He was right
I don't care about his feeling
If I care, I won't make him angry
I won't make him felt disappointed on me
I won't let him guess all the time
I won't let him feel sad about me
I was wrong all the time
Maybe it's too late to realize these..
I Love You..
I really do, I meant not to hurt you
I am really not..