Birthday on 14th June?

*My birthday cake~!*

*Dai lou and dai ka jie held with the cake..*

*HAha, they were waited for so long time and the words melted, became "Melted cake" liao~!*

*Surprise~~! Really surprise~!*

*See my expression can know le la.. Haha~!*

*Bullying time~!*

*My face was fulled of cream that time, luckily dint have tis photo.. haha..*

*Yeah~! Happy birthday to me~!*

*with my dear^^*

*WIth shi yin~!*

*Our dai lou~!*

*Ah mah^^*


*Hui Rong~!*


*Our dai ka jie~! Hui Shan*

*Happy TH Family~! Love you all so much^^*
It's my birthday, on 16th June, suppose having birthday on that day, but my coursemates gave me a really happy and memorable and surprising birthday on 14th June instead..
Yup, I felt really happy on that day, the first time my coursemates celebrate my birthday in faculty..
Thanks to you all, TH gang~! Appreciate so much with the simple celebration with me^^
I have make some wishes that day, not so greedy, but three wishes XD
1. Stay xing fu with my dear.
2. Everyone beside me will stay happy and healthy always.
3. All the best in our exam^^
Hope my dreams will come true~!
Once again, Love you guys sooooo much~~~!