I wanna watch Toy Story 3
Finally, it is here -- "Toy Story 3"!!!I miss Woody Pride, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie, Bullseye and the other characters so much!
Well, I am a university student now, but yet I'm really enjoy the moments when I'm still a kid and played with all my toys during my childhood.
Watching Toy Story do bring me a lot of memories during my childhood.
When seeing the toys become alive and I felt so surprise and wondered will my toys become real one day? Haha!

Well, I think this cute Peas-in-a-Pod do catch my attention when knowing the new characters in Toy Story 3.
So cute! Three peas look so cute, so adorable. Wondering What kind of characteristics will they possess in the movie. Must be three cuties. Haha!
After watching Toy Story 1 and 2, I'm certainly will continue my "Toy Journey" with all these brave and cute toys.
Toy Story 3, wait for your "attack"!!