其实,我好想就结婚了,把正业辞了,呆在家, 管理自己的公司。
Finally we have our own company. Can have own projects. Even though we not yet done with the corporate identities stuff. Quite troublesome I think.
But, we managed to confirm the logo design. And follow with name card design, is the next task to do.
So I announce here, our company is called, i Think Design & Solutions.
There you go, good night world :)
But, we managed to confirm the logo design. And follow with name card design, is the next task to do.
So I announce here, our company is called, i Think Design & Solutions.
There you go, good night world :)
Tomorrow is Monday dy.
There comes the Monday blue.
But hopefully the coming interview can give me some new hopes towards work.
Ganbate :)
Yesterday, I drove my ah wek to setapak to buy a player for it.
A little bit nervous, and got some fright from the cars on road too. But my handling did improve. Happy :)
In the morning, bi helped me to change the speaker in ah wek. He switch his one to my car. And all is good dy. Nice speaker and nice player. I can use USB to listen to songs in car dy. Hehehe
And now, hunting for reverse camera and sensor ;)
I hope I can treat ah wek so well. Hope I wont scratch him anymore ;(
And special thanks to bi, for helping me all the way. From car ownership transfer to car fixing and improving stage. Really appreciate. Love ya!
Good night world. Waiting for blue to come~
There comes the Monday blue.
But hopefully the coming interview can give me some new hopes towards work.
Ganbate :)
Yesterday, I drove my ah wek to setapak to buy a player for it.
A little bit nervous, and got some fright from the cars on road too. But my handling did improve. Happy :)
In the morning, bi helped me to change the speaker in ah wek. He switch his one to my car. And all is good dy. Nice speaker and nice player. I can use USB to listen to songs in car dy. Hehehe
And now, hunting for reverse camera and sensor ;)
I hope I can treat ah wek so well. Hope I wont scratch him anymore ;(
And special thanks to bi, for helping me all the way. From car ownership transfer to car fixing and improving stage. Really appreciate. Love ya!
Good night world. Waiting for blue to come~
Just too naive.
I have never think about it. Actually I am just too naive in love. Too naive to believe if I didn't mention, he will know how much I love him. Too naive to believe that there is only love in love. Too naive to believe my love is the strongest one.
I am just too naive for you, for love and for everyone.
What I wanted is a happy month of June. Because I believe this is the month which belongs to me, because I was born in this month. Bad things used to happen on my birthday, and I don't wish it to be happened again. Can I, hope for some little things, I just hope to be happy, everything can just going fine.
Is it this call naive too?
I am just too naive for you, for love and for everyone.
What I wanted is a happy month of June. Because I believe this is the month which belongs to me, because I was born in this month. Bad things used to happen on my birthday, and I don't wish it to be happened again. Can I, hope for some little things, I just hope to be happy, everything can just going fine.
Is it this call naive too?
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About Stella

- Stella Lim
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- I love what I have now and cherish them so much~
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瞬间的死亡 - 我也不是第一次写了,但我想记录每次自己严重无法喘息的日子。有人说,每个接近死亡的感觉都是一个警惕一个心理建设,让你不会太突然地面对死亡。不管是不是真的,我或许没啥,自己多滤了。 今天中午,那似被塞满的呼吸管,突然极力挣扎的心脏肺部,很活跃地跳着的心,大家像是火灾现场般慌乱,我努力敲着自己的心脏,大口大口吸气,瞬...11 years ago