Tomorrow will be the first day of June
I have to love this month :)
Love it~!
原谅我没有说 - 李圣杰
Rio Soundtrack - Let Me Take You to Rio
*This song is really nice to listen to, so cute and represent Rio so well :)*
Ya, here to update with my recent life :)
Hmm, all is well
At least it was :)
Today was my first class of DBA- DB2
Quite nice
Although I was nearly fall asleep at the beginning of the class ;p
Coz the trainer's tone is quite --> boring
But yet, we are far better than the another class
We are doing the exercises, and asked Qs when we were not understand
He, Mr Doss, is a nice person
But sometimes he make me feel like I am listen to Indian person talking in front of the class ;p
But overall is ok, fun :)
I like this class
Enjoy every moments that you have
Stay contented with your life :)
Looking For Penang Condo?
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011 reviews 0 Comments
Do you ever heard of PropWall?
Nope? Never?
Wow, don't worry, let me tell you about PropWall now, at here :)
PropWall is Malaysia's largest FREE property resources website with over 2,000 property analysis articles and 100,000 high quality property photos.
So, are you looking to buy or rent a property?
PropWall is gonna be your best choice :)
Here, I'm going to talk about PropWall in Penang.
Finding property in Penang?
PropWall can definitely help you to do this.
By register with PropWall Penang, you can sign in as user or agent to list or find property in PropWall Penang.
Once you have found one suitable property, you can choose to contact the owner by sending an email or directly call them with the telephone number listed in the post (if have).
Or in the other way round, you can browse through the Database by using the search engine powered by PropWall Penang.
Simply enter some keywords to describe your wanted property, and it will come out some results that match with the keywords :)
It is so simple, isn't it?
Sharing some of my personal view against PropWall Penang.
I like the Mortgage Calculator function in PropWall page.
It provides me good function about how to calculate the loan, the monthly installment value.
For me, this is really useful for a person to know about the total value of the property that is going to buy later on.
Well, here comes to an end.
Hope all the people that who want to find or buy a property in Penang, can just simply go to PropWall Penang!

*Nice interface of PropWall Penang :)*
Marry Me.
[Marry Me - Train]
Forever can never be long enough for me
Feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now, we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do
Now that the weight has lifted
Love has surely shifted my way
Marry me today and every day
Marry me if I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe
Say you will, say you will
Marry me if I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe
Say you will, say you will
Together can never be close enough for me
Feel like I am close enough to you
You wear white and I'll wear out the words I love you
Feel like I am close enough to you
You wear white and I'll wear out the words I love you
And you're beautiful
Now that the wait is over
And love and has finally shown her my way
And love and has finally shown her my way
Marry me today and every day
Marry me if I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe
Say you will, say you will
Marry me if I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe
Say you will, say you will
Promise me you'll always be happy by my side
I promise to sing to you when all the music dies
I promise to sing to you when all the music dies
And marry me today and everyday
Marry me if I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe
Say you will, say you will marry me
Marry me if I ever get the nerve to say hello in this cafe
Say you will, say you will marry me
This is such a sweet song ;)
Sometimes when I knew someone is broke up with his/her bf/gf
I felt sad and feeling what a pity for this kind of things happen
Maybe Love is not that strong for couple to continue loving each other
Maybe there is different perspective in different couple
Maybe I don't really understand mine too
I'm not fully believe in love in first sight
But I'm not don't believe it
The first sight determine whether the person I met was the person I'm happy to be with
Whether he will become my friend or... Bf?
Who knows?
Feeling always comes first
I met my dear in my first sight in the first few days in UKM
For me, he was not kinda neat, fair, polite boy >.<
But he did left me a nice impression
Of his warm heart, willing to help, talkative, active characteristics
He gave me a special feeling that I can't tell
He gave me feeling and I gave him opportunity in return
Fair, right?
Then, we began our love life, till now
Been almost three years (Reminder: Anniversary is 7th Sept ^^)
Been through a lot
Maybe I have get used to his existence
Maybe I have get used to help him do household all the time
Maybe I have get used to rely on him
Maybe I have get used to call him "babi" all the time
That is not just "maybe"
I'm just simply
Love him too much
As one of the most important person in my life
For me, feeling comes first, then is adaption period, then is settlement
I think, we have come to the settlement
Now, less time for making surprise, dating
But I do feel contented with it
Maybe sometimes I will still over-thinking anyway
But, I still feel happy to be with him, all the time, no matter doing what
I love u, B
Tomorrow I'm going back to my lovely home sweet home (will it be sweet? As long as there is nothing unhappy happen ^^)
Feeling unhappy, coz gonna to miss my dear for few days
Then back to here again and prepare for the short course
Then, start working in a totally new and fresh working environment
I'm looking forward for this :)
Aiks, but I not yet take my fyp hardcopy in Kajang and hand it to Pusat
Felt like wanna to get it asap, coz it is my first ever book-like report
Excited ;)
These few weeks, we lived happily
Maybe it's because I didn't have my temper without control
And have good mood most the time
So, we seldom quarrel now
It is a good sign
Meaning we can get along so well :)
I just hope that we can always be like this
Peace, happy, sharing all the time
Nothing much besides those
I think I should go for sports, exercise already
I have grew fat a lot during these few weeks
Can't control myself from eating lesser and healthier
What I have took was those oily, creamy food
I don't wanna to grow fat >.<
So, get some exercise while at home and during the short course
Hope I can slim down a bit
Hehe ;)

*This is me, recently :)*
Gonna miss you a lot, my dear, when I am away from you
I love you :)
Finally it is all over
FYP documentation has sent for jilid
Wait to collect it and hand it to Pusat
I should felt happy for it
I have done a quite good documentation, my examiner also complement me
But I felt quite lost
Because there is nothing important on my mind again
I have done my FYP
The last important assignment in University
And meant that I need to prepare for convocation
For working environment
For an adult life
I'm 22 year old, going to 23 year old
Have to plan everything for my life
Haiz, I'm a bad planner
So, just leave it first, do whatever I should do
Something to share, I have collected five super duber cute angry birds~!
So happy :)
Here, is the photos, all the five birds
Waiting for the time to go back home :)
Finally :)
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011 happy 0 Comments
Suddenly felt so relieve, I have ended my three year studies smoothly
With the last presentation in University I had yesterday
I felt happy, relieve, tired though
But still need to amend my writing
Actually there is nothing much to amend
And I am just lazy to amend it now
Haha, I want to celebrate first
This FYP has been my burden since the first day I entered the 3rd year in my life
And now, I just finally let it down
Wow, HAPPY larr XD
Well, I want to thank all the people who help directly or indirectly in my fyp
Like, my dear, my sv- Prof. Dr. Shahrul, Dr. Noriadah, Pn. Saodah etc
A big THANKS for you all!!
Happy :)
New Start.
Ended my interview session by 230pm
Wow, this interview is different
From the previous interviews that I have been
Two ppl are interviewing me
Filling up the forms with many Qs
Commenting on my artworks
A lot of Qssssss~
And finally reached the topic of "salary"
Well, I knew it is really a bit too high of my expected salary
I rather you cut it, better than no hire me
Rm1800, after probation, increment on salary base on performance
Hmmm, I think I will accept it
Try something new, in case this company is doing something that are standard and good quality
I can learn much from them
But, I am still considering
Okie, don't hesitate to take this offer!
After some days then I will accept it by replying email^^
New job, hope I can cope with it well :)
It is the first time that I had quite number of interviews
The first one, the co-founder's expectation was too high, yet I can't achieve it
So he gave up on me, even a reject phone call also don't have
The second one, actually I have quite interest with it
Video editing, in house production
Maybe I can't learn more from them
And the salary is really too low for me to survive
So I gave up on it
Today, is the third one
Maybe I have get used to interview now
So I won't feel any nervous anymore
Just take it easy
If they like you, and the salary is acceptable
Just take it!
Don't want interview anymore >.<
Ya, I want to mention here, maybe recently you are that busy for not reading my blog
But one day you will see this
Dear, really thanks that you have been fetching me go for interview all the time
Fetching me back and go to UKM
Fetching go for lunch and dinner and shopping
I don't appreciate this in the past
You scarified a lot for me, now I knew, won't it be too late?
I will be happy to be with you
No more angry for you..
I felt lucky, to have you
As my love, forever ever after^^
Love you, dear~
Angry Birds.
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Tuesday, May 03, 2011 Collection , Sharing 0 Comments
They are my new toys
So happy to get them
And I am going to collect them all
Maybe goes for the small first, then the big and then the large XD
They are so cute, right?
*Weeee... YeeeeePeeee~~!*
Enjoy playing the game all the time :)
Angry birds fever ;)
Weee YeeePeeee~!
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About Stella

- Stella Lim
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- I love what I have now and cherish them so much~
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