Oh my God~
I seriously want to share this song with you all
So so so so cute...
Hope you like it
More and Most
The second raining day in my home town
Well, it really brings along the flood to my house
Full of water
But luckily, it dint make it into my house
I should be happy with it
And now, the rain seemed like have stopped
And the sky started to grow bright
I hope, the rain can fast fast go
And the sunshine will come out again
Was my dear's birthday
But I am not around his side to celebrate with him
I knew, he is still angry with me
From the way he talked to me
The way he replied my message
He is still angry with me
Okie, what to do? I really can't do anything to amend this
So, I felt so terrible yesterday
I cried, I begged for forgiveness
That was a long long night for me
I just hope
I won't absent for his next every birthday again
Seriously, I didn't expect he will care so much about my attendance when his birthday
Since he didn't mention about it
I just go back home as usual on Saturday
I'm really sorry
I knew you won't accept it anymore
But I miss you..
I really do..
There's a dialogue between the witch and Rapunzel in the movie "Rapunzel"
Witch: "I love you"
Rapunzel: "I love you more"
Witch: "I love you most"
How I wish I can be the witch to say "I love you most" to you.. And "I miss you"
Tonight is my company reunion dinner
I am going, for sure
But.. I can't bring my dear dear along
And he is going to Genting with his colleagues
I think they are on their way now
How I wish I can join my dear to Genting too
But it's okie, I still can join my lovely colleagues for dinner tonight
Pass few days, we were busy doing the character modelling
Oh well, today was the last day for us to submit the assignment
I've been doing the human model for few days
And finally
*I give up*
It's really too hard for me (as a really beginner) to do
Well, yesterday (I meant last night)
I just created out another cartoon character
Not very detailed character modeling
But a quite cute character for me
Hehe, H::A::P::P::Y too^^
So, here is my character, with texture (fur)
Little white bear bear~

*Cute, right?*
I am quite like it, haha
Okie, got to prepare for the dinner later
Will update with tonight photos afterwards
See You~!
Tonight will be a good good night~
Enjoy everybody~!
My bad
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011 Feeling 0 Comments
I lost my appetite recently
When looking at food, I don't have strong feeling to eat it
I don't know why
And actually I am indeed hungry at that time
Maybe it's because have been a time in college
If I have lunch, I will skip my dinner and vice versa
It is going to Chinese New Year soon
And I miss my family, the baby boy, mum and dad
So sudden
If I could, I wish I can meet them right now, really do
Well, I kept a lot of secrets from them, that's why I am feeling regret now
Maybe I felt bad for all I have done without they information
How I wish I can turn back the time
I remind the time when I hurt them hearts, and now I can really feel it
Father And Mother I Love You
This is what a family call
I Miss You
When the tolerate is finish used,
what have left in love?
3D task
Finished my first 3D assignment, FINALLY
It is not a very good and nice product actually
But I felt quite happy with the final product
Here it is
It's acceptable la horrr
And now, doing my system design
I have many holidays start from today
But also must do something for my FYP
Actually is not just "something"
It's MANY things~!
Ishh ishh ishh
Have to be more hardworking
Chinese New Year mode is ON
Right now..
But where is my FYP mode?
Tired but H::A::P::P::Y^^
These few days, really busy + tired
But, I felt happy actually^^
Went to One Utama for movie
Went to Sungei Wang, Times Square to shop for CNY new clothes
Luckily we managed to buy all the clothes we want
Ish, but I not yet start my FYP Bab 2, can I skip it first?
I am lazy to do research larrr
These few days, busy doing the 3D modelling, texturing and rendering
But I not yet come out with the final product
Coz not yet texture and render it
And I bought a new contact lens, with color one
**Blue color!**
And a new watch^^
Nice week~!
Hope can do better for my FYP
God Bless, I hope can get everything goes well and smooth..
Jeff's BD
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011 happy 0 Comments
8th January is Jeff's birthday, but it was on Saturday, not a working day for them
So, we celebrated his birthday on Friday^^
*Nice birthday cake*
*Cake and Rooy's iphone XD*
*Hmm, what happened to Theresa and Chee Han lerr XD*
*Happy Birthday to Jeff!*
*Jeff vs Chee Han*
*Jeff vs Rooy*
*Jeff vs me*
*Jeff vs Theresa and Jasmine*
*Jeff vs Ella*
*Two sweeties*
*Take one*
*Take two, nice~*
That was the first time I went back to my ex-company again.
Felt so happy to meet all my ex-colleagues again.
Wish them all the best in this brand new year~
P/s: Sorry if I have a bad technique in taking photos ya.. I am still a beginner XD
I hope HE will hear me too
Hear my wishes, my sadness, my happinese
Since the days together with my dear
He will bring me to church, having mass on Sunday morning
Listen to the Holy songs, the pray, the praise towards God
Well, frankly, at the first time I was in church
I really felt so uneasy
Coz I am not a catholic
Meant I was totally unfamiliar with the ceremony in church
But now, I start to believe in HIM
I did pray too, when during the mass
During the time that we were asked to pray for the one we care
I did pray, everytime
I hope HE can hear me, even that I am not a catholic
Everytime when I faced problem, I prayed
Prayed that I can overcome all these problem
Everytime when we quarrelled, I prayed
Prayed for forgiveness, prayed that we can get back together faster
I do believe in YOU, so I knew when everytime I pray
YOU will listen to me and understand me
Forgive my ignorance, for being so childish in love
Forgive my temper, for being so emotional all these time
I hope everything can go on smoothly
Without any big obstacles
Hope YOU will bless me
Believe in HIM, HE will give you strength
Some nonsense.
I don't like to be in college actually, really don't like..The internet connection is sooooo slow..
And now still got limitation, saying each month only provided 10GB of bandwidth for each student.. Wat the.....
Now, avoid stream Youtube, playing games, download movie and games..
So not meaningful at all..
Why the time when we finished our training and get back to this old place, everything was changed?
So unfamiliar with this current situation now.. I am puzzle..
But anyway, I found out something good, and let me can make a good good decision to save up money..
For just a smartphone.. --> HTC Desire HD

*nice right?*
But the price of this phone also quite expensive one lorr..
So I have make up my mind for this phone, maybe when the time I am going for work, I will buy it one day~!
It is been a long time that I wish I can own a smartphone..
So... Put my effort to save the money~!
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- Stella Lim
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- I love what I have now and cherish them so much~
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