Some words, for Lagenz.
"I will miss you all a lot~", for my ex-colleagues..
It was really wonderful time to be with you all in these four months..
We share laughter, happy time and unforgettable time together..
I am so glad that I can meet you all here..
For Rooy,
You are a really good designer and so as a good teacher for me, what you have taught me, I will always keep in my heart.. What has make me to remember you after this is, you big head.. haha, to be frank, I also feel that your head is quite big lo.. kaka..
For Jasmine,
You are a sweet and pretty girl for me.. I still remember, when the first day I came to company, you and Chin Yee will always came and chat with me.. You two kept wondering why I don't want to talk more with you all.. Haha, btw, want to tell you that, I am that cruel person that will only laugh when one of you get hurt la.. Anyway, thanks for your cute and funny action all the time^^
For Theresa,
You are just same with Jasmine, cute and adorable.. Well, a bit of talkative too.. Haha, don't angry ya.. Talkative meant you are friendly to me.. ^^.. You are really a super active person.. Introduced to us the dodgeball, skytrek.. EVenthough I didn't go with you for dodgeball before, but it was a nice experience that I joined you for skytrek~ hehe.. thanks o..
For Ella,
At first, I felt that you were a quite serious person, so I seldom talk with you.. But after few weeks, I felt that, it was not so difficult to get along with you.. You sometimes will create some jokes for us, bring us useful information.. Thanks for teaching me some about PHP too^^
For Chee Han,
Hey young man, you are still young, but it is the time to think of settle down le wor.. Haha.. You knew my English was not that good for you, just hope you understood all the things I said before la.. Haha.. You are a nice person, you really become more cheerful recently wor, is it we bring the joy to you? haha, just keep it^^ Forever young~
For Jeff,
You are a gentle person for me.. Soft spoken, gentle in action.. And a nice person^^ At first, I also think you are serious person.. After have some interaction in the HyChill project, I felt that you are not that serious.. Sometimes will also talk of some jokes with Theresa and us..
For Aaron,
Thanks Boss, for accepting me as your trainee in your company.. And gave me the chance to involve in your projects.. It was really a very precious experience for me that I ever gain in University life.. Thanks for giving me that chance to complete individual project with my own strength.. Gave me confident all the time.. Thanks so much~
For Chin Yee,
Girl, even though you have left earlier than me from this company.. But I really felt so happy to know you here.. You are a cute girl, but must have confident in yourself all the time, don't always think of negative side.. Success takes no shortcut, just with hard work.. All the best in your brand new chapter in life..
Hey guys, it is the first day I didn't go for work.. I am really miss you all there.. Miss your laughter, your smile, your voice and your jokes.. Missing all the time when I am in the company..
Hey guys, promise you all, I will go back to pay you all a visit whenever I am free.. And buy you all nice things to eat! hehe..
Hey guys, do take very good care, drink more water, careful when driving..
Hey guys, all the best in life~!
On last Friday, I felt so touch, when I received your wishes, hand written card.. Just a simple card but full of warm wishes.. I nearly cried out that time.. But I wish to give you all a happy memory.. With the most early Christmas present I gave, I hope you all can remember my existent before in Lagenz..
Miss you all & love you all^^

*A cute card*

*awwwwww, I'm leaving.. T.T*

*All the wishes*

*The cartoon were so cute.. Just like you all^^*